20ft. Portable Mobile Office Containers

Vanessa Miller
20ft Shipping Container Office

We Help You Create a Well-Designed, Safe and, Sturdy 20ft Shipping Container Office

Cabins or mobile offices are in demand for their elegant & contemporary traits such as ergonomic designs, easy relocation, sturdy construction, and exquisite finishing. With mobile office storage containers, you don’t have to worry about buying expensive office space. If you own a business that doesn’t really require dedicated office space or you are always on the move and want to carry your desk along with you then, what’s better than a mobile office storage container?

We offer a range of 20ft shipping containers that could easily be converted to a 20ft portable office. These 20ft container modification not just beautifies your workspace but also give you maximum ROI.

Why Opt for a 20ft Container Office?


Cost-effective and eco friendly

Imagine saving on the enormous cost of constructing an office. Getting a mobile container office is comparatively a cost-efficient option than building or renting one. Moreover, you also contribute to recycling old shipping containers.



If you have amazing ideas for your office décor, nothing is better than getting a custom shipping container office. You can add doors and windows, build storage racks and design your own office layout without burning a hole in your pocket.



Shipping containers are solid and secure. They are designed to withstand extreme weather conditions like heavy rains or winds, making your mobile office more durable. You can opt for additional concealed shackle padlocks for an added security.



Maybe you want to visit your client and feel like carrying everything with you or want to go on ‘workation’ that’s mobile container office comes in. When you have a portable office container, you are always prepared to move your work desk to the location of your choice.

Have a look at our 20ft container modification!

20ft container office plan 20ft container office plan 20ft container office plan
20ft shipping container office space

How does Quantic Boxes Help You Design a 20 Foot Container Office?

We provide custom shipping containers that are super easy to convert into portable offices. Our custom storage containers are –

  • of superior quality
  • air and water tight
  • highly durable

20ft container office has one window (with metal awing) on the left side of the container and 2 panel doors at the front. A provision for installing an aircon (up to 1.5hp) is also made at the back of the container.

The 20ft shipping container office space is divided into two zones:

  • Workstation zone – you can add your desk and chair here
  • Storage zone – preinstalled 5 layer rack

Specifications :

  • Flooring – 30x30cm vinyl tiles
  • Lighting – LED panel light – 18 watts
  • Interior walls and ceiling – 9mm gypsum board
  • Doors – 90cm panel door
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