Uses of Shipping Containers for the Hospitality Industry

Vanessa Miller

Hotels and restaurants in containers? Hell, yeah! Hotels in shipping containers are the latest trend in the hospitality industry. Many people tend to be skeptical about the comfort of using shipping containers for hospitality. But, believe us, you will most certainly not feel that you are living inside a metal box thanks to advancements in architecture and insulation.

The first container hotel was constructed a decade ago and was built 25% faster and at 10% lesser cost. Since then, more and more hoteliers have shown interest in this innovative concept, which eventually proved to be a crowd puller. Today, there are hundreds of container hotels and restaurants in the world whose USP is they are crafted out of Conex boxes. These eco-friendly hotels built with catering containers are also preferred in extreme weather because of their superior strength and durability.

Uses of Shipping Containers in the Hospitality Industry

Shipping containers for the hospitality industry have an enormous number of real-life applications. And with the growth in the efficiency of green energy and other modifications and designs that can make catering shipping containers not just a cost-effective, but also an authentic solution, the number of opportunities for their use is only growing. Let’s look at the general cases.


Building an authentic bar from a shipping container is quite simple. Given that you don’t need much space, you can use unit combinations or other setup options. This is suitable for both 20ft and 40ft containers. They can be modified by adding a special place for barrels of beer, shelves for alcohol, and more.


Making a field kitchen or an extension for a summer kitchen in your country house is also effortless. You can equip it with all the necessary appliances for gas and electricity. This modification is quite simple and does not take much time.


Shipping container hotels construction is another awesome way to use these units. Some hotels do not even look like they were created from containers. Others specifically use hotel building with shipping containers in their marketing campaign to attract new visitors.

Cafés and Restaurants

You probably have an original lounge restaurant in your city made from shipping containers for hospitality buildings. These are authentic buildings that attract new visitors with their unique exterior and interior.

Storage Units

With storage units, you don’t even have to invent anything. In the case of a shipping containers hotel, for example, you would have to modernize the structure and add the necessary touches to attract clients. But using shipping containers as warehouses to store things does not require any modifications. Just purchase a container from us, put it in the right place, and you’re done! The goods will be protected from thieves and environmental factors.

Outdoor Kiosks

Using shipping containers for hospitality buildings as a kiosk is also a great idea. You can sell things, clothes, or any goods, and you will even have enough storage space!

Event Sites

This option is not much different from the others, but it’s a fantastic thought. The mobility of the container and the ability to transport it to another place at any time allows you to create itinerant event sites for any holiday.

Use Shipping Containers for Hotels and Restaurants

Shipping container hotels are a globally growing startup. You can construct an entire building with investing 50-70% less money and time. Moreover, a truly authentic design will work for your advertising campaign!

Can’t believe so many amazing uses of shipping containers in the hospitality industry? Trust us! Visit Quantic Boxes today to find the perfect used shipping container for your catering and hospitality business. We promise you won’t be disappointed.

We offer containers as small as 6’ to as large as 45’ with various door types. We can even modify the container as per your requirement by installing additional doors, windows, racks, railings, etc. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us to know more about our shipping containers for industrial applications.


What are the benefits of using catering containers?

The benefits of this choice are numerous. Firstly, you get the finished structure much faster than when building from scratch. Secondly, the mobility of the container allows you to change the location any time. In addition, an attractive look will draw the attention of potential customers to your establishment!

Is it possible to build shipping container restaurants?

Of course, the modernization options available today make it possible to build a restaurant from shipping containers. You can combine and use modern design ideas to stand out from the competition.

Can I purchase shipping containers for the hospitality industry from you?

We have the widest selection of new and used containers for every demand. Moreover, our engineers will help you upgrade and improve any selected container based on your requirements and preferences.

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